Common Questions Parents Ask About Child Psychologists

23 November 2015
 Categories: , Blog

If you are a parent of a child that is exhibiting some signs of behavioral problems, you may be considering taking that child to a psychologist who specializes in treating young people. But as this is the first time you will have any kind of experience with this type of professional, here are the answers to some common questions parents ask about these health care specialists. How Will Therapy Benefit My Child? Read More 

How to Handle a Clogged Air Conditioner Condensate Drain

6 July 2015
 Categories: , Blog

The presence of water around your furnace usually means that your condensate drain is clogged, possibly with slime. This is a problem you can easily fix without having to involve a repairman. It is important to keep checking on the condition of your air conditioner in order to ensure that your AC is efficient and long-lasting, especially if you don't generally use it often: Materials Required In order to save time and ensure that your project goes smoothly, it's necessary to ensure that you get the materials you need ahead of time. Read More 

Inspections to Schedule Before Buying Any New Home

30 June 2015
 Categories: , Blog

First-time homebuyers are often confused about the inspections that they get for the home before a purchase. They often assume that this inspection will tell them everything about the home's condition from top to bottom, including its overall value and any problems they may face when it comes to repairs that are needed. In truth, a standard home inspection only includes items that are needed to be built to certain local government codes. Read More 

Tips on Finding a Job When Pregnant & Using a Labour Hire Company

16 June 2015
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Loosing your job when you are pregnant can be a pain. It can be hard to find a job as a pregnant person, and while you may be looking forward to taking some time off for the baby, you may have also been relying on a pay cheque to support your growing family. While you won't be legally eligible for paid maternity leave through your company unless you have been there for 12 months, finding an average of 1 day a week work before you go on leave does entitle you to the governments paid parental leave scheme. Read More 

Tips For Ensuring Your Defacto Visa Application Is Successful

9 June 2015
 Categories: , Blog

According to Australian immigration laws, couples in a defacto relationship have the same rights as married couples when it comes to applying for a permanent visa for a foreign partner. However, the same strict requirements regarding proof that your relationship is genuine and lasting still stand. According to the Australian Department Of Immigration website you must have been in a defacto relationship for a minimum of one year before applying for a partner visa. Read More